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Improving health
Previously NHS Health Scotland

This seminar on routine enquiry was to learn and share examples of practice in this area. It was run collaboratively by NHS Health Scotland, Scottish Government and NHS Education Scotland.

30 November 2017 9:30
30 November 2017 16:00
City of Edinburgh Methodist Church

Event description

The purpose of this workshop was to build on the June seminar and consider whether and how routine enquiry about ACEs, as well as adult adversity and trauma, could be introduced as part of the implementation of the National Trauma Training Framework.


  • Introduce the National Trauma Training Framework and share learning from the REACh model.
  • Consider the learning from current approaches 


Sandra Ferguson (NHS Education Scotland) provided input around National Trauma Training Framework principles and approach

Dr Warren Larkin, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and former Clinical Director for Children and families Services at Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust gave a presentation on the REACh approach (Routine Enquiry about Adversity in Childhood) which he developed to support organisations to become more trauma-informed and to support professionals to routinely ask about adversity in their everyday practice. It encourages disclosure, helps practitioners to respond appropriately to what is heard and then plan interventions which improve their health and wellbeing in the future.

Katie Cosgrove, NHS Health Scotland, provided an input about the experience of introducing routine enquiry in Scotland on gender based violence.

Rob Dickson Children’s Society (former manager of Child Action North West) Discussed Experiences of Implementation and Recommendations from East Lancashire

Event summary and presentations

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